Czech Farma ACHALTEKE - Hodějov u Strakonic  
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(1618, central register of sires)

Date of Birth:

* 20.3.2007


purebred stallion


dark golden buckskin




Ms. Tsvetkova (Belgium)


Studfarm Akhalt - Service

Measures (cm):

KVH   -  ŠDT  -   OH   -  OHOL   (measured 2014/01)
155   -  159  -  178   -  18,5


(3 years) 152-156-175-18,5 
pedigree: 7.5          type: 7.2
conformation: 8.0      measurements: 6.0
performance: 3.0       quality of descendants: 0.0
class I, II cat. – stud-farm. Hodějov“

(5 years) 154-159-178-18,5 
pedigree: 7.5          type: 7.0
conformation: 7.8      measurements: 7.0
performance: 3.0       quality of descendants: 0.0
class I, II cat. – stud-farm. Hodějov“

Admission prices:

  • Thoroughbred mare 20.000,- CZK
  • Half-blood mare 10.000,- CZK
  • Other mares 7.000,- CZK
  • Discount for mares with a performance (L) and above 4.000,- CZK
  • Discount for mares with us last year admitted 2.000,- CZK
  • Discount for two or more mares 2.000,- CZK
  • Discounts can add up.
  • Stud fee is due on October 20. Only the pregnant mare.

  • The price of housing: 1 day / 180,- (included in the price of housing box, granules, nucleus, hay, pasture, run your own)

    Prices excluding VAT

    Veterniary conditions: blood, vaginal swab, current vaccinations for influenza, EHV, deworming not older than 1 month

Sport + Events:

6.2.2010 München Körung Spezialpferderassen - successfully made like special tests for horse races to be included in Book II

3.11.2013 Borotin endurance Hobby 32 km - 7. place

Offspring ČR:

30.1.2013 - partbred mare buckskin Epofej (from Everda)

21.4.2013 - buckskin partbred colt Pygamber (Mathan)

Offspring in the world:

1/4/2012 - pure dark buckskin colt Jasper (from Jasmin)

13/5/2012 - chestnut mare Koppány (from Karamella)


preview here


1618, Paolo, 2007N101004199, Asket,
dark buckskin, 1999
1195, Ekemen,
perlino, 1989
1066, Kemal871, Gindekush
1506, Elan
2277, Elan 2866, Vatanchi, 1970
1185, Elek
2543, Akgozel,
black, 1989
995, Kerzi, 1978896, Kerogli
1603, Maja
1726, Arfa,
bay, 1977
858, Ametist,
dark bay, 1966
1416, Aishat,
bay, 1971
N101005199, Premiya,
black, 1999
1228, Maskut 2,
black, 1989
1083, Omar910, Opal
1631, Oktava
2014, Mushmula960, Mukhtar, 1974
1305, Moroshka
2886, Parfia,
dark buckskin, 1987
999, Munir866, Vatanchi, 1970
1305, Moroshka
2334, Pudokhan943, Arslan, 1969
1834, Pariza, 1976


Paolo is a typical smaller stallion line - El; in 2009 for an informal get-rated for exterior type 7.6 and 8.5 for a license in 2011 for the revised exterior type 7.2 and 8.0, in February 2010 was assessed at the German Körung leap in freedom mark the 8th .His father Asket evaluated type - 8.0, conformation - 8,0; - from Elite, winner of the category of "working horses" at the World Championships in 2003, Virtual World Champion in 2004. Stallion Asket is checked in sport (endurance). Asket is son of the elite stallion from Turkmenistan 1195 Ekemen (born 1991) by 1066 Kemal out of 2277 Elan. Sire Ekemen is inbred in IV x V, V level to the ancestor of the sireline, stallion 100 El. Stallion Ekemen didn´t race and so he was classified for performance by 5,71 points (7,12 points for movement, 4,3 points for dumping abillities), for type 7,8, body measures 6,7, conformation 7,5, performance 6,0 and offspring 8,0 and the classification Elite.

Sireline El, anyway as the sireline Toporbai, deduces its origin from the sireline of the stallion Baba Akhun. He was the father of buckskin stallion Mele Chadji Nur, who gave two excellent sons, Toporbai and Tugurbai. From the three of Tugurbai´s sons – sires (100 El, 334 Bergut a 620 Tugur) won out only stallion 100 El, who was born out of Mele Kush´s daughter 177 Elkab. Golden bay stallion 100 El was born in 1932. He was typical, with good temperament, harmonic conformation, lean limbs, long fetlogs and light and energical movement. He was defeated by nondefeat mare 351 Pel only once in gallops.

His mother mare 177 Elkab was one of the best daughters of the stallion Mele Kush. He got the diploma of the onthe exhibition in 1940. Stallion El became the father of the excelent mares like Ezos, Enedzhan, Elmyk, Etym, Elin, Elan, Elmaz, Elberdy and Eldzhachan. The most important of them was the mare 1184 Elan (out of 740 Kedy), champion of the breed, founder of the own family and one of the most productive Akhalteke mares all the times – he gave birth to 17 foals.

In production of sire El haven´t good luck. Sireline El continues today only by the stallion 682 Almaz, grandson of stallion El. Bay stallion Almaz was born in Turkestan war area in 1957 by stallion Enilmez (100 El - 1237 Kartina) out of mare Mantia. Almaz got classification for type 8,0; body measurements 8,0; conformation 8,0; offspring 9,0; and be ranked intoclass Elite. He won the diploma of in 1961. Stallion Almaz died in 1969. Sireline was enlarged by sons of Almaz - 861 Akhal, 871 Gindukush, 927 Fakel, 862 Bakhar and 996 Mag. The first three stallions take records on the racetrack The members of the sireline El were excellent on the racetrack but not very typical individuals. It was improved by the hard selection and today this sireline´s members belongs to better of the population. It´s the credit of the offspring of the stallion 1010 Sovchoz 2 (871 Gindukush - 1630 Okis), namely Saklanma, Melesur and Polot.

Mother: black mare Premia born in 1999, classification Class I., sireline Fakirpelvan; type 7,3; conformation 7,0; Premia, has an interesting pedigree, a combination of line and Fakirpelvan and Ak Sakal. Her mother Parfia mare, a daughter of champion Munir and one of ,the best mares Stavropol stud Pudokhan s (mother of the world champion Pelen and the champion of Russia Piastre) by black stallion 1228 Maksut 2 born in 1989, class Elite; sireline Fakirpelvan; type 7,5; conformation 8,0; he was classified for sport qualities 7 points (7,12 movement, 6,9 jumping). He got the diploma of on the championship in Pyatigorsk 1996. The father of stallion Maksut is the excelent stallion in races black sire 1083 Omar (rode in 20 horseraces at the age of 2 till 5 in Krasnodar and Makchackala and he won 12 races). Stallion 1083 Omar got twice the diploma of the on the breeders championships in the years 1984 and 1985. Mother of Maksut is the mare 2014 Mushmula 3, born in studfarm Dagestanskiy in 1981. Mushmula is one of the best daughters of the sire 960 Mukhtar (sireline Arab). Mushmula didn´t start on the track but in the stud she gave birth to 12 offspring – one of them was in endurance good mare 2820 Melanu 1 (by 1083 Omar), work in the studfarm Shael and her sister 2804 Marta 6, who gave birth to stallion Mamai good on the racetrack (by 1079 Melesur), or the champion of the breed bay stallion Manas 6 (by 1095 Polot), who was the excellent sire too.

Stallion 828 Fakirpelvan was born in 1951 in Aschabad and he was evaluated in class Elite in 1961. He became the champion of the breed in Moscow Exhibition in 1969. Stallion Fakirpelvan was sold to V. Schamborant with his half brother Gelishikli and they start to cover mares.They took base there of theirs sirelines. Fakirpelvan´s offspring exceled in performance on the racetrack and in riding sport too. His sons 883 Kaltaman and 910 Opal take record of the racetrack till nowadays. Bay stallion Penteli was the member of the russian olympic team with rider V. Lysicinem. And he won the russian championship with this rider. Another excelent son on the racetrack and in sport too was grey stallion 915 Posman. Fakirpelvan´s grandson 1138 Arslan became the Uzbekistan´s champion in the showjumping and in the years 2000 and 2001 he led the chart of the showjump horses in Middle Asia region. The main followers of this sireline became the stallions 910 Opal, 883 Kaltaman and 971 Khalif.

Another photos:

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Offspring photos:

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