Forka Erudit
3x CAC, 3x CAJC, 1x CAC ČMKU, 1x CACIB, Czech Junior Champion, 1x Anw. Dt. Jung. Ch. VDH, 1x Central x East Europe Junior Cup Winner, expectant Czech Champion
Date of birth:
* 20.11.2010
† 10.2021
Caucasian Sheplerd
Classification numbers:
2,1 D,0,2,0,0, 1,V/44445
- Classification index is here.
27.3.2013 - mated Multi.Šampionem, Ich., Grant.Šampionem Edie Zlatá Studánka CMKU/KAO/2855/06
Fork comes from the kennel with the name of tradition dloholetou Erudit was purchased for the exhibition and breeding
Mother : ICh.Da-Mi-Bur Erudit
* 27.11.2003 DKK (HD) 0 / 1.
Mother: Ich.Agri-As Erudit
Father: Ich Bugor (imp.Rusko)
is very successful at shows, as well as her předci.Dědečkem is now legendary Russian dog ICh.Demon which worked very successfully in farming p.Jagotkyny in Russia. Shows have always won in strong competition, won several title from the referee in the country of origin.
ICh. Da-Mi-Bur Erudit is the mother of the World Winner 2008 - JCh.Otvaga Erudit, which is the third generation successful.
Achievements titles:
Champion Russia
Champion of Slovakia
Junior Champion of Slovakia
Junior Champion of Slovenia
Junior Champion of Austria
Candidate for Champion, Poland and Austria., Croatia
BOB - Zagreb Winner r.CAC 3x, 6x CAC, 6x CACIB Crufts nomination for 2007, 8 x CAJC, Central Club Winner, Club Winner Slovakia, Austria Club Winner, Club Winner AHHC 2006.2. best female club SKAR 2005th
Dad: ICH.MÉĎA Erudit
* 15.5.2007, breeding, and HD - HD 0 / 0 79cm/85kg, chest 96 cm!
Mother: Isa Ch.Istoma Sokolinogo Gnezdo
Father: Ural Ch.Rus.Samotsvety Izumrud.
Achievements titles:
Grand Champion
Winner of Central and Eastern Europe 2009
Club Champion
Top Dog Club Show BOB KRAOP 2009th
2x CAC
5x BOB
National Winner
Expectant champion of Austria, and Germany.
Breeding, KV 76 cm, test the nature of Russia, II stage.
Mother: Isa Ch.Rus.Fantazia Sokolinogo Gnezdo
Father: Isaiah Ch.Rus.Tsar Ptitsa Sokolinogo Gnezdo
Multiple winner of exhibitions in the country of origin, Champion Russia, Champion Russia RFSS
It is one of the most successful females working in the kennel Iz Sokolinogo Gnezdo.
She is the daughter of the famous females rated. Isaiah Ch Russian Fantasia Sokolinogo Gnezdo / sister chronically famous Factory / her lifetime that has produced many successful offspring and show the highest reached on the bases, including the prestigious title BOB - winner international club show in Georgia!
The pedigree has Istomy other giants Russia např.mega Ch.Rus successful sire., LT, NKP, Isaiah Sato Svetlov home Ch.Rus. Varna Isaiah Svetlov home Ch.Rus.LT. Isaiah Gvidon Svetlov home Ch.Rus.Kunak, Ch.Rus. Manual. Tagore, Ch.Rus.Melisa, Ch.Rus. Manual. Tsilija etc ...
Istoma She is the mother of many top offspring of champions who have now successfully operates only in Russian farming, but also collect the right shows the highest degrees .... Of these, only the most famous of these are:
Ch.Rus. Sokolinogo Gnezdo Expansion Isaiah, and Ch.Rus.Gea Ch.Rus.Galanteja Sokolinogo Gnezdo Isaiah, Isaiah Ch.Rus.Irbis Sokolinogo Gnezdo etc ...
Very successful is also the daughter of JM. Ch.Medová Pusinka Erudit to fresh two-year holds the title - Champion and Junior Champion, Club Champion, 2x Club winner, 3x National Champion, VDH Europasieger 2009, silver medal at the World Exhibition and the junior class 2008.5 x BOB, 2 . BIG 3.BIG, etc..
Exhibition site:
2011-04-24 International exhibition Ceske Budejovice VN1
2011-06-11 Rokycany Club show VN1
2011-09-11 Special exhibition Zbraslav u Brna V1, CAJC
2011-10-09 International exhibition Ceske Budejovice V1
2011-11-06 International exhibition Prague V1, CAJC
2012-01-15 international exhibition Nürnberg V1, 1x Anw.Dt.Jung.Ch.VDH
2012-02-04 International exhibition Brno V2
2012-04-01 international exhibition Č.B. V2
2012-05-06 international exhibition Prague V1, CAJC title Junior Champion CZ + Central x East Europe Junior Cup Winner
2012-07-01 National Exhibition in Klatovy V1, CAC
2012-09-09 club schow Zbraslav u Brna V3
2012-10-14 Česke Budejovice international V1,CAC
2012-11-04 International Exhibition Prague - Excelent 3
2013-10-06 International Exhibition in České Budějovice V1,CAC,CACIB,CAC ČMKU
2014-04-27 International Exhibition Ceske Budejovice Excellent 2
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