Date of birth:
* 26.6.2013
† 6.7.2013
purebred colt
Edita Sluková
Edita Sluková
Measures (cm):
114 - - -
(measured 26.6.2013)
Palatin, buckskin, 2013 | 1749, Patysh, buckskin, 2009 | 1185, Džasman, hnědák, 1994 | 1115, Jasman 9, zl.plavák, 1983 | 870, Garem II., 1972 |
1880, Jalma |
2250, Damdža, hnědka, 1983 | 870, Garem II., 1972 |
1488, Džachan, 1966 |
Penelope, plavka, 1997 | 1093, Perchat, hnědák, 1975 | 914, Polotli, zl. plavák, 1965 |
1646, Perizad, 1965 |
Dongola | 1039, Galkan, ryzák, 1985 |
2248, Dilemma, palomino, 1987 |
Alsanta, bay, 2005 | Altair, tm.hnědák, 2000 | 1130, Alachrat, tm. hnědák, 1994 | 1138, Arslan |
2114, Akpamyk |
2770, Keiki, hnědka, 1993 | 1210, Kelte, 1985 |
1794, Keimirči II. |
Salamandra, šimla, 1996 | 1272, Salam, palomino, 1987 | 1012, Sumbar |
1814, Kuban |
2836, Messa, šimla, 1990 | 1073, Mejdanli |
2107, Ajsa 7 |
Palatin colt was born on our farm first foal stallion Patysh at birth was 114 cm,despite its size, was quick on his feet and sucked milk. The nature is very nice and calm.
Father Patysh type 7.6, exterier7, 7, 8.8 degree. KVH 160 cm, 19 cm OH. In 2011 he became European Champion 2011 (2 year old stallions at Gut Ising (Germany), and European Championship 2012 - reserve champion in the category of three-to four-year stallions diploma of the first degree.
Father Patysh : Djasman 1185 (1994) Rating: 9.0 origin, type 7.8, 8.0 body measurements, exterior 7.5, 7.5 offspring inclusion ELITE II. Breeder: TOO Achaltekspo Rusko.Džasman was born in 1994 in TOO Achaltexpo in Dagestánu.Tato company then changed its name to Shael stud farm, located near Moscow.
Djasman belongs to the line Gelishikli in his pedigree appears close inbreeding IIxII the stallion 870 Garem 11a further away in the degree of inbreeding V, V, XVIII 044 Tillja Crossbow (line Toporbaj) VXV, V to 213 Sapar Chana and VI to XVIII 175 Mele piece.
Father Djasman is a golden buckskin 1115 Jasman 9 (870 Garem11-1880 Yalma) born. 1983 stud Dagestanskij.Jasman. twice champion of the breed is the product of breeding a legend in the world of achaltekincu and Arabs, Vladimir Petrovich Šamboranta. Mr. Šamboranta bred horses Julduz example, Gundogar, Azat, Guldžachan, ribbons, Posman, Adat, Chala, Dagestan, Omar, Ajgytli, Gajsan .. He Sambora Näsman considered one of the best horses that odchoval. Jasman died prematurely, leaving wearing a full-fledged year. Enrolled the animals are his two sons and Djasman and Jaz-Jar (from Java). Jasman daughters mention of elite mare Jasurli 2993 (of 2941 Surat 5), which won the show in Pyatigorsk in 1996 Diploma II. Degrees.
Father Jasman is a golden buckskin Garem 870 11 (699 Gundogar - 1594 Mantia 7), b. 1972 Lugovském stud in Kazakhstan. Gar was the most successful son at stud Gundogar, he worked in Lugovském stud in Dagestan, Kalmykia and in Turkmenistan and everywhere gave excellent offspring. The breed were enrolled his sons Jasman, Gauchar whose children did not compete on the racetrack, then Džagitaj that umístnil second in the derby and had an excellent stallion Džejchuna (eg father Oaksistky a champion breed Prochlady) and Dialog.
Mother Djasman is then one of the best daughters of stallions 919 Sere, chestnut Yalma 1880. Yalma was born in 1977 in Dagestan daughter Fakirpelvan stud, mare Spring 1705. Racing Yalma not undergone a four-year as was included in the breed. In addition Djasman she somehow elite mare in 2511 (after Dornazarbek), buff stud Jaz-Jar, as well as an elite stallion and sire Jazyr (after Rokot), champion of the breed Jazolada (after Pudok), the elite mare Jakšiguš 2985 (after Gaydamak 1037) and twice champion of the breed 2992 Jarodžu (by 1248 Orlan). Other descendants are Atabešir (by 1095 Polot) or bullhead Jagma (after 11248 Orlan).
Mother: Patysh mare Penelope is born. 1997 (1093 Perch - Dongola) Rating: 8.0 origin, type 7.8, body measurements 8.0, 8.0 exterior - including ELITE III.
Penelope his father belongs to the line of Peren. Stallion 779 Peren was born in 1955 in Turkmenistan. Rated as elite. In 1967, he became the champion of the breed. He ran 4x Racing and including 3 wins. Injury after his racing career ended. All around Perena was exceptional. His son 914 Polotli Kambar and became the pride Turkmenistan.V farming is a proven combination of Peren with lines Kaplan, Kir Sakar and Karlavač.Dle data from 1986 belonged to the line of Peren 15 stallions and 45 mares , total percentage of individual lines of the AT 7.7%. Data for 1993 are 23 stallions and 67 mares 7.4% Peren Line is one of the modern and popular sports lines Akhal Teke horses.
mother Palatin: the mare Alsanta line Fakirpelvan is a big powerful mare and correct KVH 163 cm, evaluation type 7.2, 8 exterior, measures 8.8. In 2012 won the European Championship 5th place in his kategorii.Je a lively and gentle mare is also very intelligent. Mare has long large dishes with talent for jumping. Under the seat is a very good rider, but lively.
Father Alsanta is born in Uzbekistan stallion type of Altair 7.6 points, 8.5 points exterior, starting in jumping competitions S. In 2007, at the 14th Germany won the second championship place in the class of 4-10 year-old stallion, who won in the competition jump in volnosti.V 2008 Altair begins to take off and endurance track. In 2009 (August) Altair Luxembourg participated in the second AT international championship, won second place in the 5-12 year old stallions.
Altair is the son of the stallion 1130 Alachrat origin 7.0 points, type 6.8 points, 6.5 points exterior, measures 5.0 points, 8.0 points quality offspring (line Fakirpelvan) and grandson stallion 1138 Arslan (1st place in the international ranking of jumping horses in the Central Asian region in 2000 - 2001 Form Wed T) is the mother father Altair 2770 Kejk mare, příslušící the line AK Belek. Mother Alsanty in Uzbekistan-born mare Salamandra type 7.5 points 8 points exterior (line EL), whose father is abruptly talented stallion Salam, proven in endurance.Excellent character.
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